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State Chapter Awards
State Chapters recognize deserving individuals with the Lifetime Service to Wresting award, the Outstanding American award and the Medal of Courage award.
Lifetime Service To Wrestling
Given in recognition of 20 years or more of dedication to the development of leadership and citizenship in the youth through the sport of wrestling.
Outstanding American
Given to former wrestlers who are highly successful in other walks of life and use the disciplines learned in wrestling in their profession.
Medal of Courage
Presented to a former wrestler who has overcome what appear to be insurmountable challenges.
Arthur Potter
Year: 2019
Award: Lifetime Service to Wrestling
Chapter: Georgia
Tripp Price
Year: 2019
Award: Lifetime Service to Wrestling
Chapter: North Carolina
Michael Pruitt
Year: 2019
Award: Lifetime Service to Wrestling
Chapter: Alabama
Gregg Quilty
Year: 2019
Award: Lifetime Service to Wrestling
Chapter: New York - Downstate
Donald P. Quinn
Year: 2019
Award: Outstanding American
Chapter: New York - Upstate
Dennis Ragan
Year: 2019
Award: Lifetime Service to Wrestling
Chapter: Illinois
Mike Randles
Year: 2019
Award: Lifetime Service to Wrestling
Chapter: Idaho
Pete Rao
Year: 2019
Award: Lifetime Service to Wrestling
Chapter: New York - Upstate
Al Rasmussen
Year: 2019
Award: Lifetime Service to Wrestling
Chapter: Washington
Doug Rasmusson
Year: 2019
Award: Lifetime Service to Wrestling
Chapter: Florida
Mark Reiland
Year: 2019
Award: Lifetime Service to Wrestling
Chapter: Iowa
Kenneth Rhodes
Year: 2019
Award: Lifetime Service to Wrestling
Chapter: Maryland
Jim Richards
Year: 2019
Award: Lifetime Service to Wrestling
Chapter: Washington
Dean Rockwell
Year: 2019
Award: Lifetime Service to Wrestling
Chapter: Michigan
Kevin Russo
Year: 2019
Award: Lifetime Service to Wrestling
Chapter: Massachusetts