John Heyman
Contributor / Official "¢ 1997-1998 FAWA Official of the Year "¢ Timer for the 1996 Olympics "¢ Past State Chairman for Florida Amateur Wrestling Association During the past 25 years, John has been pairing official, state chairman, Florida Amateur Wrestling Association Board member, Mat official and on the board of the United States Wrestling Officials Association. He has officiated world team trials and has been a FILA Official assigned to Russia, Bulgaria, Italy and Poland. He is currently the National Weigh Master for USA Wrestling. John has been honored for Outstanding Service to the Southeast Region, State Chairperson Service Award and FAWA Official of the year. For his dedication and lasting influence on wrestling, John A. Heyman is presented the National Wrestling Hall of Fame's "Lifetime Service to Wresting" award for the class of 2002.
Lifetime Service to Wrestling
Our Mission: To honor the sport of wrestling by preserving its history, recognizing extraordinary individual achievements, and inspiring future generations