New York - Upstate Chapter
Official State Chapter of the National Wrestling Hall of Fame
2014 NWHOF Upstate NY Chapter Honorees
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2014 NWHOF Upstate New York Honorees[/caption]
Pictured are the 2014 NWHOF Upstate New York Honorees at the September 21st ceremony in Syracuse, NY. LEFT TO RIGHT: Michael DeBarbieri, Thomas Green, Kenneth Spenard (wife), Donald Blaine, Gary Dillingham.

Pictured are the 2014 NWHOF Upstate New York Honorees at the September 21st ceremony in Syracuse, NY. LEFT TO RIGHT: Michael DeBarbieri, Thomas Green, Kenneth Spenard (wife), Donald Blaine, Gary Dillingham.
Our Mission: To honor the sport of wrestling by preserving its history, recognizing extraordinary individual achievements, and inspiring future generations