Bruce Glenn
Bruce Glenn is recognized for his years of dedication to the development of leadership and citizenship in young people throughout the sport of wrestling
30 years of coaching.
Coach Glenn ended his wrestling career with a .876 winning percentage, which included an undefeated season while wrestling for Clark Community College. He placed third in the ‘64 Olympic tryouts. In the 1965 he was named All American by Amateur Wrestling Magazine.
He started his coaching at the Naval Academy assisting Ed Perry. After assistant coaching students at University of Oregon and Marshfield high school he became head coach in 1971 at West Albany high school. During the 20 years at WEST ALBANY he coached 35 district champions 20 State place winners and seven state champions.
For his dedication and lasting influence on the wrestling, Bruce Glenn is presented the National Wrestling Hall of Fame‘s “Lifetime Achievement to Wrestling“ award for the year of 2000.
Lifetime Service to Wrestling
Our Mission: To honor the sport of wrestling by preserving its history, recognizing extraordinary individual achievements, and inspiring future generations