Dr. James Conklin
Jim Conklin, a world-renowned hunter and conservationist, also enjoyed an outstanding college wrestling career. In eight years of high school and college competition, he lost only four dual matches. Jim was the first Pennsylvania High School wrestler to win 4 State Championships. After wrestling for Waynesburg High School, Indiana University at Bloomington, and the University of Pittsburgh, he entered Pittsburgh Medical School and served as an assistant wrestling coach during his senior year. This was the beginning of many trophies and "firsts" for this outstanding man. Dr. Conklin has been an Assistant Professor of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at the University of Pittsburgh for 33 years and has been honored for his contributions to his profession, the community and the University. Conklin is also a world-renowned hunter who has collected over 25 species of big game animals from six continents. He has also donated 178 animals to four different museums across the United States. Eventually all his remaining trophy animals will be donated to the Carnegie Museum in Pittsburgh, where many of his catches are already displayed. He has also been inducted into the Western Pennsylvania Sports Hall of fame, Western Pennsylvania Wrestling Hall of Fame, and the Pennsylvania Wrestling Coaches Association Hall of Fame. One of three main halls in the International Wildlife Museum in Tucson, Arizona is named the Dr. James E. Conklin Hall, and the main lodge of the Wildlife Leadership School in Jackson Hole, Wyoming is named the Dr. Jim Conklin Lodge.
Outstanding American