Sergeant George Manning

Travis Manning is a 1999 graduate of Kent County HS, where was a "Triple Threat Athlete" lettering in Football, Wrestling and Baseball. After Graduation he joined the US Army in 2000 as a Military Policeman. In 2004, serving as a Sergeant with the 16th Military Police Brigade (Airborne), 21st Military Police Company (Airborne), Ft. Bragg, NC; Manning was deployed to Iraq. On August 31, 2004, during a nighttime patrol in Baghdad, his one year tour ended prematurely when a rocket - propelled grenade hit the engine block of a disabled supply truck that he and two other soldiers were attempting to move to the side of the road. A fiery explosion literally burned the pants off of Manning, leaving him with second and third degree burns over 40% of his body. Manning threw himself to the blacktop and rolled on the ground to put out the fire, while, his companions -Staff Sgt. Wesley Spaid and Lt. Alvin Shell - Likewise patted out the fire. The soldiers then secured the area and, despite their grave injuries, drove more than 30 minutes to a troop clinic in Baghdad before being airlifted to a hospital. Manning spent one night in Baghdad and was airlifted with Sgt. Spaid and Lt. Shell to Germany, where he underwent a series of surgeries. Surgeons in Bagdad and Germany were able to save his legs, which sustained third degree burns from the thigh to the boot tops. Manning was airlifted to Brooke Army Medical Center at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, where he underwent several more skin grafting surgeries. While at Brooke, he was put through grueling physical therapy sessions 90 minutes a day, seven days a week for several months during his road to recovery. Manning was decorated for his service as a Non-Commissioned Officer in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom, His dedication to duty and selfless service were instrumental to the overall success of his unit, Manning was awarded the Purple Heart for his injuries sustained in the road side bombing in Baghdad, August, 2004 and subsequently Medically Retired for service connected disability in 2006. Today Manning, a Lieutenant serves with the Ft. Meade Police Department as the Traffic Division Supervisor. He and his wife Belinda currently reside in Kent County and they have seven year old daughter, Aja Manning.


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