Tyrone Woods

Tyrone Woods, a 1989 graduate of Oregon City high school, lost his life serving his country when on September 11, 2012, the US consulate of Benghazi, Libya came under attack. Although this attack continues to be under investigation, one thing is clear, Tyrone Woods and his fellow security officers gave their lives protecting our nation and giving service to others.

At the 1989 OSAA wrestling tournament, Ty wrestled at his very best, winning four of his six matches and placing fifth at 135 pounds. His fifth place finish earned him a seat with a very select group as a member of the Oregon City high school wrestling Hall of Fame. Although Ty became a Hall of Fame wrestler, he really cared more about his friends and their well-being than about his own personal accomplishments.

Ty Woods aspired to always “be there” for his friends. He transposed that being there into giving service to others. He chose to join the United States Navy and became a member of the elite Navy SEALs to fulfill that aspiration. Please remember Tyrone Woods as a man of integrity and great character, as a loving husband and father who chose as one of his core values, to “give service to others.” Tyrone Woods is an American Hero.


Medal of Courage

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