Kelly Moffatt

July 13, 1971 - Present

Kelly Moffat epitomizes the selfless contributions that make our sport so great.  He continually influences the lives and direction of wrestlers in the Coeur d’Alene program, and the Buzzsaw club program, directly contributing to the collection of 9 state trophies, 125 state place winners, including 26 individual champions, as well as 5 USAW Fargo All Americans from those programs.  Kelly does not limit his efforts and influence solely the Coeur d’Alene programs but has carried his enthusiasm with him as a near constant presence throughout the region and state, influencing the direction and futures of countless other wrestlers.  Kelly also has been integral in rallying community support for the storied North Idaho College wrestling program maintaining national prominence for decades and winning 14 NJCAA titles.  Kelly leads by example, often praised by wrestling officials and tournament directors for his professional demeanor and big-picture mindset.  To top all this off, he has donated all of his time to these causes and not accepted a salary throughout his 20-year coaching career.


“Kelly is without a doubt a main reason for the year in and year out success of Coeur d’Alene wrestling…his devotion to our youth and freestyle clubs is second to none.” 

- Jeff Moffat


Lifetime Service to Wrestling

Our Mission: To honor the sport of wrestling by preserving its history, recognizing extraordinary individual achievements, and inspiring future generations