Pennsylvania Chapter

Official State Chapter of the National Wrestling Hall of Fame

Pennsylvania Chapter to Host 2023 Sporting Clays for Kids

On Monday, November 6, the Pennsylvania Chapter will be hosting its Sporting Clays for Kids event, at a new venue this year. This year the event will be held at the Lehigh Valley Sporting Clays in Coplay, PA, near Allentown.

This event started in 2013 in order to raise funds to contribute to “Save Olympic Wrestling” and for supporting various youth related charitable organizations. In that first year, a $25,000 donation was made to “Save Olympic Wrestling,” along with a significant donation to the national office in Stillwater, and over $20,000 went to the youth related charitable organizations. Since 2014, all funds accumulated for this event after event expenses are paid have gone to the youth related charities.

Including funds raised in 2013, the PA Chapter has raised a total of over $285,000 since then. Throw in that this amount includes 2 years (2020 & 2021) that we did not have the event because of the COVID restrictions and associated economic issues. A little of that amount raised is needed to fund the expenses of the event, but the PA Chapter has still given $253,000 in total to charities! That is just under 90% of the funds contributed to the event! Not bad for hosting the event in 7 actual years!

The event features a morning of clay bird shooting on a really fine course, and a very tasty luncheon for the participants. This event was the brainchild of past PA Chapter President, Stan Zeamer and current Board member, John Thomas. Stan remains a top supporter of the event, while John Thomas and Board Treasurer, Lloyd Rhoades now handle the organization and logistics of the event. A copy of the flyer for 2023 is attached.


Our Mission: To honor the sport of wrestling by preserving its history, recognizing extraordinary individual achievements, and inspiring future generations