Florida Chapter

Official State Chapter of the National Wrestling Hall of Fame


Clay Shoot Miracle: Bill Combs, Bob Burns Not Injured!

The Board is excited to announce that another successful Sporting Clay Tournament was held Saturday May 5,  No experience was necessary for this annual gathering / fundraiser and It was evident.  It was great entertainment as awards were given for, "Not Close Enough", the coveted "Eagle Eye" and of course the "Falcon Almost as Good As an Eagle" award.  The excuse awards were titled, "Sun Was in My Eyes" and "We Never Saw any Birds".   Board members Gary Townsend, Bob Burns and Bill Combs, of course claimed a "We Never Saw......" prize.  Entry included lunch, golf cart and 100 targets.  Friends and family enjoyed a  weekend of fun held at Quail Creek Plantation. Thanks to our sponsors: Pettino Insurance Agency Inc (954-493-9424)., North Florida Wrestling Officials Association of Jacksonville, Palm Beach County Wrestling Officials Association, Zappolo & Farewell P.A. Attorneys (561-627-5000), Sands Nursery and Landscape (Jeff Sands 561-719-1397), Combs Services, Brass Monkey Tavern, The J. Stark Company,  Advance Solar & Spa Inc. of Ft Meyers, High Tech Roofing (561-248-8813), Assurance Testing Services (Honoring Danny McCauley PB Wrestler and Student), Elite Florida Insurance, Inc. (561-845-0909), DMI (Don Meyler Inspection).  Thanks for a good time......Next event.....Honors Weekend!   




Our Mission: To honor the sport of wrestling by preserving its history, recognizing extraordinary individual achievements, and inspiring future generations