David Sampson
Dave Began his coaching career in 1968, but he sharpened his skill in the early 1960's at a Catholic Junior high School in Yuma. His first coaching job was at Coolidge, where he restarted the wrestling program in 1970. There were obstacles, but Dave's teams developed into a consistent top 10 finisher in the State Meet. He became assistant coach at Yuma Kofa in 1976. Kofa won State Titles his second and third year after becoming a coach there. During his 15 years as head coach his teams were division champs five times and were also State Runner-ups in 1987. In 1993 Dave retired as head coach, but remained as an assistant until 1998. Dave was active in AZ/USA Wrestling and remains active to this day, helping with the State Tournament. He was involved in Arizona Cultural Exchanges and is considered a pioneer in Southern Arizona Wrestling.
Lifetime Service to Wrestling