Theodore Roosevelt

October 27, 1858 - January 06, 1919

A shrewd, complex man of many talents, Theodore Roosevelt was at home in politics. He became the youngest President shortly before his 43rd birthday in 1901, upon the death of William McKinley, and was reelected in 1904.

His term was marked by the first flight of the Wright Brothers in 1903 and seven years later he became the first President to fly in an airplane. His recognition of the new government of Panama in 1903 paved the way for the Panama Canal. He led passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act, and appointed Oliver Wendell Holmes to the Supreme Court.

A frail youngster beset by asthma, Roosevelt built a strong physique by teaching himself to ride, shoot, box and wrestle. He wrestled regularly for exercise, even as Governor of New York, but finally had to give it up because his workout partners were either too good or not good enough.

Roosevelt was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1906 for his role in settling the war between Russia and Japan.

An 1880 graduate of Harvard University, Phi Beta Kappa, he joined government service as Assistant Secretary of the Navy, 1897-98. Roosevelt organized and commanded the First Volunteer Cavalry, the "Rough Riders," and led their charge up Kettle Hill at San Juan during the Spanish-American War. He served as Governor of New York, 1899 to 1900, and was elected vice president of the United States, 1900.

Roosevelt was the first President to ride in an automobile, the first to submerge in a submarine, and the first to visit a foreign country, Panama, in 1906.

He organized the Bull Moose Party in 1912, in an unsuccessful bid for a third term.


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